TWOSIX Wellness

Tag sugar free

Avoid the sugar trap…foods to eat at 3pm

Do you suffer from mid-afternoon sugar-itis? Are you stuck in an office with a chocolate box and vending machine? Here are some healthy alternatives to satisfy the 3pm hunger pains without filling the body with sugary treats. Raw Nuts  Most nuts โ€“ including walnuts, cashew nuts, pecans, brazil nuts, chestnuts and

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What is Cold Pressed Juice?

Cold pressed juice a Fad? We think not! This super-juicing method is definitely here to stay. It’s time to unlearn what you know about juicing, the bottle of orange and mango juice sitting in your fridge has the same amount of sugar and preservatives as a glass of soft drink! It’s

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Zucchini and Pumpkin Loaf – Made with love by Tucker Street

We know most of you LOVE your bread and its hard to grasp the idea of cutting back on your favourite sourdough…However making a conscious choice to cut down the amount of wheat you’re eating per day will see your digestion and over all body function improve. Plus we have the perfect alternative! This

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