TWOSIX Wellness

Tag Skin Care

3 Effortless Steps to Getting your Best Skin Ever!

Dry brushing is a technique that I have been a fan of for many years. I first learnt about the technique when I was in training for endermologie (a treatment which aims to combat cellulite). Personally, I have found spending a few minutes dry brushing before jumping in the shower

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The Rise Of Kale + Other Ways To Use It!

Kale. A life giving vegetable that has often been associated with hipsters and yogis  is now dominating the aisles of most supermarkets around the world.

The Oily Truth…Natural Olive Oil vs Creams

A lot of people still find it hard to get their heads around using natural oils such as olive oil, as a daily face and body moisturiser. But, this common kitchen staple has been used for centuries as a magical beauty multitasker and has so many benefits for the skin.

26 Seconds – Detox Your Bathroom

26 seconds is all it takes for the ingredients in your personal care products to enter your bloodstream. We now know, without debate, that chemicals in our personal care products can and do enter our bloodstream. It makes sense, when you think about it.