TWOSIX Wellness

Tag self love

8 Self-Love Habits to Overcome Stress

There’s nothing worse than stress getting the better of you. The endless list of things to do always seems to leave your own needs last and evokes a war zone between your mind and body. The numerous work deadlines, career dilemmas, and personal commitments generate a tolerance for migraines, bitten

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Social Media I am breaking up with you

Originally published December 12, 2015  What does Christmas day mean to you? I know for me its all about family getting together, enjoying each others company and delicious food. Its about being present + grateful and fortunate what you have in life.

What Feels Most Powerful?

When you’re growing into what you want for your life, you’re simultaneously growing in personal power. This spherical upgrade is likely to induce a desire to retreat into dis-serving comfort zones and familiar patterns. These patterns may even be ones that you thought you were done with, so they may catch

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Simple Ways to Refresh Your Inner-Self

Are you looking for easy ways to refresh the mind, body, and spirit? Why not try these simple Do-It-Yourself tools…

Spring Start Over

I’m sure you’re as excited as I am to see the buds beginning to blossom and feel the promise of Spring in the air. Winter is a great time to rest, recharge and nourish yourself. With Spring comes feelings of awakening and action. Lots of ‘ideas’ are thrown at us

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The Importance of TAKING A BREAK

Ever feel like your mind is constantly on a treadmill? Always needing to fill your day with productivity. As each day goes by you believe your to-do list will decrease, that the work load will get easier, only to notice the incline and speed on that treadmill creep up. The feelings

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We Are Enough! 5 ways to KNOWING you are enough

Surrounded by successful, intelligent, entrepreneurial, fit, healthy and radiant women at a recent wellness personal development day, I was utterly gob-smacked to learn that every single one of these women, (including myself) talk to themselves in a way that they would NEVER talk to anyone else. EVER.

The Greatest Relationship Of All – How To Have A Relationship With Yourself

The relationship with the Self is the deepest, most meaningful relationship that we can ever have in our lives. Creating a strong and healthy connection with yourself is not an easy process, and does require time, commitment and energy. By taking the time and implementing routines, rituals and scheduling time

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How Can You Claim Your Gold Unless You Bring It Out Into The Light?

When you feel into the emotions you would ideally like to feel, which emotions do you naturally sway towards? And what if you felt in deeper again?

Connecting To Your Emotions

“We are not defined by our emotions.” Ah emotions. That old chestnut. Sometimes I’m sure life without emotion would be so much easier!

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