TWOSIX Wellness

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We Are Enough! 5 ways to KNOWING you are enough

Surrounded by successful, intelligent, entrepreneurial, fit, healthy and radiant women at a recent wellness personal development day, I was utterly gob-smacked to learn that every single one of these women, (including myself) talk to themselves in a way that they would NEVER talk to anyone else. EVER.

What is Yoga and does it actually work?

In recent times I’m witnessing a shift at yoga studio’s. Where the physical benefits were the catalyst to start a yoga practice, people are now showing up in search of a deeper connection.

Good Habits

Whether you want to face up to it or not, we are well into the first month of 2016. A new year can mean new goals, new hopes, new desires, new jobs, new friends…and most excitingly- new opportunities! Hands up who verbalised a New Year’s Resolution while a little voice

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5 Tips To Take You From Chaotic To Calm

In this fast-paced, information driven society we live in, feeling stressed has almost become a badge of honour to wear, something to be proud of; along with being crazy busy, awesome at multitasking and a self-professed perfectionist. Our culture has conditioned us to and rewarded us for thinking more and

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6 Ways To Declutter Yourself

What wakes you up in the morning? That was a question I was once asked during a job interview back in 2008. Since then, it’s a question I often come back to when evaluating my life purpose and whether I’m living in alignment with it.

Listen to your inner child

Early mornings, tiresome meetings, deadlines, bills….Sound familiar? Sometimes being an adult is just so hard. With mounting responsibilities weighing us down on a daily basis, sometimes all we want to do in curl up in our donna and refuse to leave bed!

Motivation is all in your mind

Finding the motivation required to stay active can be a struggle for some. Especially during winter when it is difficult just to wake up when your alarm goes off, let alone brace the icy weather outside and go for a run. What we need to understand is that motivation doesn’t

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How To Detox The Mind In Winter

How to detox the mind in winter? When the days are getting shorter and the nights colder. It’s very tempting to hibernate curling up in a ball under your doona, sleeping in late and eating heavy comforting foods and feeling sorry for yourself once spring rolls around. Don’t let the

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7 Ways Yoga Can Improve Your Body Image

As much as I don’t like to admit it, we live in a very aesthetically driven society, where the image we portray through our looks, actions and accessories can drive us to have unrealistic expectations about how we should look, and whether we “measure up.”

Self Love Vs Social Expectation

Do you ever sit back and wonder whether you are living your life for you? This is a question that really changed the way I look at others, the world and myself. Only on reflection do I realise I was doing things wrong. I have a feeling it’s the same

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