TWOSIX Wellness

Tag Mental Health

Meet Local Loves James & Luke of The Men’s Collective

Meet the energetic and generous pair behind The Men’s Collective, a protected space and community for all men to come together and talk about concerns and topics close to their hearts. Their hope is that men who attend can learn collectively through others experiences and stories. Here they share with

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Psychological Benefits of Meditation

Meditation increases emotional stability and intelligence. When we meditation regularly, and reduce our stress levels, our hormones balance out and feel less reactive, less defensive and more equanimous more of the time.

Stop Living Your Life on Autopilot – Top Tips

Ever got in your car to go home and before you know it you’ve pulled up in front of your house with little knowledge of how you actually got there? Yep, that’s autopilot – we’re all guilty of it. In fact, it is more of a struggle to stay present

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Taking Control with Body Kinect

As part of Men’s health month at Twosixmag, we at Body Kinect wanted to shine a light on some of our male clients who are making positive steps every day to improve their health. Our clients live with mental illness and the reality is that in this demographic the risk

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Declutter, Refocus, Refresh Your Mind

We all need to declutter, refocus, and refresh our lives every now and then, and Spring is the perfect time to do it.

Self Love Vs Social Expectation

Do you ever sit back and wonder whether you are living your life for you? This is a question that really changed the way I look at others, the world and myself. Only on reflection do I realise I was doing things wrong. I have a feeling it’s the same

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How To Be Spontaneous

The word “spontaneous” is often dropped into sentences when we refer to our “ideal lifestyle” and is not thought of as something that is easily incorporated into our everyday lives. When people think about spontaneity they usually associate it with adventure or risk, and see it as a luxury that

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Men and Our Emotions: 5 Steps to help keep our emotions in a positive state.

We don’t like talking about them and certainly are bad at expressing them. But when we start to understand how to recognise our emotions and admit that there is nothing wrong with expressing them, the world simply becomes a more positive place.

Dance & The Soul

After a long weekend away in the Australian bush, dancing away for hours and hours, and feeling fantastic doing it, I felt that a post on the benefits of dance was in order.