TWOSIX Wellness

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Start the New Year with acceptance, not resolutions!

With New Year’s Eve only days away, the holiday break in motion and the gluttony of Christmas now well and truly set in, now is the time of year when we typically stop and take stock of our lives.

Creating Resolutions That Last

With the holiday season upon us, the thought of New Year’s Resolutions pops into just about everyone’s head. The problem with a lot of resolutions and goals made for the coming year is that they are unrealistic, unattainable and leave us feeling defeated by the time February rolls around. This

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Avoid the sugar trap…foods to eat at 3pm

Do you suffer from mid-afternoon sugar-itis? Are you stuck in an office with a chocolate box and vending machine? Here are some healthy alternatives to satisfy the 3pm hunger pains without filling the body with sugary treats. Raw Nuts  Most nuts – including walnuts, cashew nuts, pecans, brazil nuts, chestnuts and

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How to Break a Bad Habit

We all have them, those troublesome behaviours that pop up during a moment of weakness, stress or a hard situation. A habit- good or bad is a behaviour that is repeated often enough in our life that over time you don’t really think about what you’re doing as you’re doing

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26 things – James McLoughlin

26 things you need to know about our friend James McLoughlin of Green Press…    

Finding Balance

Good Health can only be achieved through balance. We have settled into a way of living so out of balance that damage to our long-term health is inevitable. We constantly hurry around and push our bodies and ignore our messages of pain and fatigue until they turn into more serious

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Friday Love – 6 things we’re loving this week

This week we’re loving… 1. Local film makers Jessie Oldfield & Adam Murfet absolutely killing it with their short film for Country Road… Summer Wonder staring Gemma Ward. Bring on Summer! 2. Mental Health Awareness week may be over but we need to keep the conversation going…take a moment to read these

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Dear Fellow Life Enthusiast

Welcome to the community! Twosixmag came to life from a persistent ‘want’ to learn ways to consciously lead a healthy and present life. We hope you can absorb what we share, discard what doesn’t work for you and most importantly, lead a happy & healthy life that’s uniquely yours! What we

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