TWOSIX Wellness

Tag Kinesiology

3 Simple Embodiment Practices For When You’re In Full Manifestation Mode

When you’re in full-blown creation mode, manifesting and bringing to visible life your projects, idea’s etc, it’s easy to forget about continuously nourishing your body, even in the most basic of ways.

What Feels Most Powerful?

When you’re growing into what you want for your life, you’re simultaneously growing in personal power. This spherical upgrade is likely to induce a desire to retreat into dis-serving comfort zones and familiar patterns. These patterns may even be ones that you thought you were done with, so they may catch

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Which Side of Your Body Do You Hug From?

I love ideas which invite me to question the way I do things automatically, without intention or thought.

Get Centred

Ever find yourself feeling a bit all over the place, unfocused or not quite ‘with it’? Here are my top 3 ‘easy to implement’ tips to get you there.   Here’s an idea of what I mean… Your idea’s don’t flow as readily as they normally do Your communication isn’t

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Meet Melissa Farrugia – Holistic Kinesiologist

Meet the gorgeous, creative and passionate Melissa Farrugia, holistic kinesiologist, mentor and writer…

26 things – Melissa Farrugia

26 things about Melissa Farrugia passionate Holistic Kinesiologist, Mentor and inspiration fueled writer…