TWOSIX Wellness


Get Centred

Ever find yourself feeling a bit all over the place, unfocused or not quite ‘with it’? Here are my top 3 ‘easy to implement’ tips to get you there.   Here’s an idea of what I mean… Your idea’s don’t flow as readily as they normally do Your communication isn’t

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How to be your weekend you, every day

Who else, like me, wakes up on a Saturday with a strange sense of weekend freedom? That is, the feeling that the day is yours to do whatever you want, and for a brief moment you can live the life you’d love to live every day, if only you could!

5 Ways To Bounce Back From Heartbreak

Heartbreak – we’ve all been there, and we have all survived. Whether it’s the end of a relationship, the end of an era, unachieved goals, feelings of rejection or a lingering sadness with no apparent cause, bouncing back IS possible, even it feels like contentment is out of reach. Everyone has

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Chai “Cheesecake”

Gluten Free, Vegan, Refined Sugar-Free, Raw!

Detoxify Your Kitchen & How To Start Safe Cleaning Habits.

Here are a few tips to help you detoxify your kitchen and start safe cleaning habits. It’s time to make your kitchen a healthy place!  

How to Break a Bad Habit

We all have them, those troublesome behaviours that pop up during a moment of weakness, stress or a hard situation. A habit- good or bad is a behaviour that is repeated often enough in our life that over time you don’t really think about what you’re doing as you’re doing

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Super Salts – DIY Body Scrub

Looking for the secret to natural brighter summer skin? Epsom salts have a naturally occurring mineral mix of sulphate and magnesium, which means they help flush toxins and calm inflammation in the body. At a low cost and in an eco-friendly manner you can make your own do-it-yourself scrub using

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Eat more oats + A delicious oats in a jar recipe!

Oats, Oats, Oats! And we’re not talking about the instant kind! Whole Oats are a wonderful source of insoluble fibre (the one that keeps you regular)… they also help you feel fuller for longer, curbing your appetite so when it gets to lunch time you are less likely to go crazy! Studies have

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The Cool Cucumber

6 reasons why the cucumber is seriously cool! 1.   At 95 precent water and containing most of the vitamins the body needs in a single day. The cucumber is a real hydrating hero!. 2. a piece of cucumber on the eyes will get rid of those nasty dark circles or any inflammation

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