Meet Local Love Damon Gameau – The Man Behind That Sugar Film

November 20, 2015

I’m sure anyone who has taken the time to watch ‘That Sugar Film’  would agree that the message Damon is sending is almost as addictive as the sugar itself.

We found ourselves quickly jumping on the sweet-evading bandwagon and completely supporting the venture he had so courageously tackled, setting out on a journey to improve his health and happiness and proving his findings in a self-experiment that defies almost everything the modern world has conditioned us to consume.

Damon is your average Aussie bloke, and a legend at that – delivering an extraordinary message to anyone who is brave enough to take the plunge and delve into a sugar-free life.

We took five with Damon, to hear a bit more from this inspirational human being!


We’re all about incorporating daily healthy rituals into our lives, What is your Daily Health Habit?

My daily healthy habit is pretty much what I eat. It is a combination of eggs, vegetables, blueberries, nuts, occasionally some hard cheese to snack on, other proteins like fish or legumes, green vegetables and some of my wife’s terrific home made desserts.

Everyone has good days and bad days…Can you share with us what helps you get yourself out of a rut?

What gets me out of a bad mood is a large shot of nature. I either go for a walk through the forest which is near to us or jump into some kind of water whether ocean or river. I find it resets me very quickly, especially if I have overloaded on technology.

As part of MOVEmber Bree & I have committed to move for 30 mins every day in the month of November to help to raise funds for Mens health. What is your all time fave way to MOVE?

My favourite forms of movement are always the things I genuinely enjoy. I am not very good at exercising on my own but can get some positives out of a group class with some good music. I occasionally enjoy doing a yoga class with my wife but the best activity for me is the lounge room dance parties with our 2 year old daughter. She doesn’t let me stop even when I am sweating and loves upbeat happy songs on a loop.

What a huge wave you created with your doco! Why do you think its important for men to talk about their health?

Its important for men to talk about health issues because men aren’t the best at sharing full stop. I love the book “Manhood” by Steve Biddulph. He discusses how vital it is for men to communicate in all facets. It would actually make the world a better place as so many of our men are leaders. Sadly many of these men are not as healthy as they could be. There is a real revolution occurring at the moment with our understanding around food and how it impacts us mentally and physically. Men need to be brave enough to learn this too. The best feedback I get about our film is often from men who were talked into watching it by their wives and then have completely changed their lives and attitude to food. This has a great impact on their children too.



F: /thatsugarfilm

I: @thatsugarfilm

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