Meet Alex Pendlebury – Creator of Simple Sensible Nutrition

April 29, 2015

Meet the gorgeous and business savvy Alex Pendlebury – Nutritionist & Health Advisor. Alex believes that good health is dependent on a number of lifestyle choices and habits including your relationship with food, moving the body, nurturing mental health, your work, and home environment. We are thrilled to welcome her to our community of Life Enthusiasts and for allowing us to take a peep inside her world.

Can you tell us a little about you? 

I am a nutritionist and run a health and nutrition website called Simple Sensible Nutrition. I write helpful, educated articles on nutrition and health and also lots of recipes! I have also been modeling for 8 years with Chadwick models. I love simplicity, I love good food, I love working hard and I love being active.

Can you tell us about Simple Sensible Nutrition? What message are you trying to share with your followers?

It’s all in the name! I try to send a balanced, realistic and responsible message about being healthy, not entertaining fads or hype. Eating well and being healthy doesn’t have to be hard, so I offer simple and sensible health advice. Everything I advise and talk about is evidence-based and no-nonsense (BS free!) I encourage people to eat mostly whole foods, but also to live a life of balance- life is meant to be enjoyed. I am against unnecessarily cutting out food groups, against fad dieting, and against extremism.

Have you always been conscious of your own health and wellbeing? 

I was a gymnast growing up and played basketball, so have always been pretty active. Healthy eating didn’t start to interest me until I was about 18, when I decided I wanted to be a nutritionist and do my degree at University. Then obviously studying Nutrition at Uni for so many years, and also maturing, it was just a slow transition into a healthier lifestyle. The more I learnt about good health and a healthy balance, the more I implemented it. And it felt good, so I never looked back!

What does a typical day in the life of Alex Davis look like?

I usually exercise first thing in the morning, outdoors or at the gym. If not I take the dog out for a walk. I usually have a bowl of oats for brekkie! Then my work days are either modeling, casting or writing and working on my website – depending on my schedule. I also spend a lot of time most days reading about nutrition/health and keeping up to date, as there is always interesting findings to share and inspire myself and my followers! I love to cook my own food for lunch and dinner when I can, so I am always stocking up on fresh produce and cooking in the kitchen! I love to relax in the afternoon, walking the dog or just hanging out with Scott. I try to get to bed by about 9:30, sleep is really important to me. 

There is an enormous increase in mental illness particularly amongst young people. What do you believe is happening? Is it social media? Is it societies expectations? What are your thoughts regarding mental illness?

I would say social media has a big part to play, as we are constantly looking at pictures of fit bodies, six packs, girls with amazing bodies in bikinis etc. And we are all human, so we tend to compare ourselves to them which can eventually get us down or mentally affect us. But it is important to remember, firstly that social media and Instagram are people’s lives ‘highlight reels’. People generally talk about exciting/cool things going on in their lives, and post pictures where they look their best. So why would you compare yourself to somebody else’s highlight reel!? It is good to try to remember that everyone is human and nobody is perfect. And secondly that just because someone looks fit and healthy, definitely does NOT mean that they are. I have come across people who may look physically great but are mentally/socially/emotionally down or unstable. They may be exercising obsessively, not putting the right or enough nutrients in their bodies, sad or mentally ill and so on.. Everyone has their own problems, so remember to be kind and to never compare yourself to anyone.

When do you feel most balanced?

Probably when I am enjoying myself with good company, good food, and sometimes good wine! Or after I have exercised first thing in the morning and am eating a big nourishing brekkie.

What do you believe is the most important change people should make if they want to be kinder to themselves?

I think mental change is definitely the most important thing. To accept yourself. Don’t compare. Be confident and embrace yourself. Try to enjoy yourself every day

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Go for a walk with my partner Scott and our dog Lenni, and grab a coffee from our local. Or get a massage!

What are the most important things you’ve experienced so far?

That when it comes to healthy eating, dieting, exercising, drinking etc- extremism is the easiest option, and finding balance is the hardest- but most rewarding.

What are your pantry essentials?

Well, there is always fruit, veg and dairy in the fridge! But in the pantry there is legumes, grains, and herbs! Chick peas, red/black/white beans, lentils, brown rice, potatoes, quinoa, oats, wholemeal bread. Then about 30 different herbs and spices! And some natural protein powders and extra virgin olive oil.

Lastly. Do you have a life philosophy or favorite quote?

Exercise and eat well because you love your body, not because you hate it. 

I: @alpendlebury

F: Alex Pendlebury – Nutrition plus


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