It’s ok to be quiet. Welcoming your inner introvert.

August 16, 2017

We live in a world that promotes leadership, teamwork and collaboration. One where society celebrates confidence, outgoingness and energy. But what happens to those of us who would rather work meticulously on a project in the safe confines of our bedroom than contribute to a group assignment? Not all of us are programmed to be loud and boisterous. To say that someone who is introverted can’t be successful is not true. And guess what? NO ONE is completely extroverted or introverted, there are bits of both in all of us.

Here are 3 ways to let your inner introvert contribute to improving the quality of your life.


Spend time on your own. Being alone doesn’t necessarily mean you are There is a saying “To love others, you must first learn to love yourself”. This isn’t about vanity, but about working on the relationship you have with yourself. Try:

  • Going to a café- leave your phone in your bag (or better yet, don’t take it!) and instead bring a good book to read. Or, read the paper. Watch the world go by and be thankful for what you have.
  • Going to the movies- You won’t need to compromise what you watch, it’s entirely up to you!
  • Go for a long walk/bike ride- instead of drowning out your thoughts with music, listen to the sounds around you. Take deep breaths and try to be in the present moment.


Be humble. Take the hint from Kendrick Lamar (If you don’t know who he is, Google him) and demonstrate humility in what you do. It is amazing to be successful at something you have worked really hard at and yes you are allowed to show your pride! But stay down to earth and don’t lose sight of your original purpose. Work hard in silence and let the success make the noise.


Listen more than you talk. This one is about leadership. Instead of having the loudest voice in the room and dominating situations, encourage others to show initiative and really listen to their ideas. When you are receptive to other’s suggestions, it creates an inclusive atmosphere and can increase the motivation of those around you.


By consciously adopting some of these introverted attributes into your life, you will hopefully notice an improvement in your relationships and work. Remember, you are neither one person nor the other, but a mixture of both.


Article by Heidi Higgins

Heidi Higgins is a 26-year-old Melbournian with a passion for all things health and fitness. She is a primary school teacher, freelance writer and blogger who loves to keep active by practicing reformer pilates, taking boxing classes and going on long walks. Make sure you check out her blog, Heidi Joan, for inspiration to love a healthy, happy and whole life!

I:  @heidijoan
F: Heidi Joan Greig
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