How Powerful is Love in a Relationship?

September 26, 2016

Love, in any of its phases, is a powerful force of nature.

Love can be a fierce, inspiring, joyful, heart-breaking, compassionate and intimate guiding force.

Love can heal and bring people together.

Love, when we dare to listen closely enough, can set us on alternate paths and teach us when to let go, and when to hold on.

Love is the powerhouse that ultimately whispers truths and wisdom in the silent quiet moments, and the experience of embodied love can be unlike anything we’ve ever been told it could look like, or feel like.

When it comes to love in relationships, the most powerful question we can ask is:

What would love do?

What would ‘self-love’ do?

What would ‘love for the relationship’ do?

What would ‘love for the other’ do?

From these combined perspectives, love becomes the power that navigates relationships forward.

When we ask these questions, we choose conscious love, and our hearts remain open, despite any rising fear that inevitably is triggered in relationships, and difficult moments feel less personal, because they’re seen through the filter that is love.

Love then transforms into honesty, compassion, respect, and courage; for self, for your partner, for the relationship you are in.

Through asking these questions four questions:

What would love do?

What would ‘self-love’ do?

What would ‘love for the relationship’ do?

What would ‘love for the other’ do?

You may find that love calls you to do something far more fierce, or generous, or powerful, or courageous than you’ve ever had to do before.

In the context of a relationship, romantic love alone is not powerful enough, or substantial enough to sustain the rollercoaster ride of time, and so we must choose to get to know the other faces of love.

In the context of a relationship, love is what ends the power plays and battles. It’s what allows two people to sit side by side in respect of one another, even if they hold opposing points of view.

Love is what allows two people to re-write the stories of the past, and the patterns of our parents we no longer desire to re-create.

Transparent, all-encompassing love is the ultimate display of devotion, and it’s what sets us all free to be who we are, within our relationships.



Article by Melissa Farrugia – Holistic Kinesiologist, writer, and teacher at Soul Wellness

Melissa Farrugia is the creator of Soul Wellness and a passionate holistic kinesiologist, writer and teacher based in Elwood, Melbourne, and globally via Skype. Combining her formal training with a keen sense of intuition and life experience, Mel supports self-responsible souls who are at a growth point in their life, desiring to shift from feeling mentally, emotionally and creatively stuck, to feeling deeply connected and alive in the life they’re living.


I: /melsoulwellness


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