TWOSIX Wellness

December 2016

Stay Healthy Over The Holiday Season

Originally Published 12 December 2014   Top 5 Tips To Stay Healthy Over The Holiday Season- by Kavisha Jega – Food and Wellness coach  Eat, drink, open presents, sleep, repeat. Pretty much sums up most of the holiday season! Don’t let Christmas and New Year celebrations throw you off course this

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Post Christmas Smoothie

Originally published December 26, 2014 We hope you had a wonderful Holiday feast yesterday!   How are you feeling today? A little tired, a little lethargic and unmotivated? Why not start your day off with a delicious, super-friendly cleansing smoothie for the body,

Mindfulness this Holiday Season

Originally Published December 8 2014 With the festive season comes a time of high stress, shopping, organising end of year catch-ups, to-do lists and prepping for the big day. It is very easy to caught up in the ‘behind-the-scenes’ of your Christmas Day, that it seems to go by in

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Delicious Gluten Free Fruit Cake

Originally published December 18, 2015 I’ve made my fruit cake recipe countless times over the Christmas seasons (and even not during Christmas). It’s the BEST! People just can’t get enough…

Social Media I am breaking up with you

Originally published December 12, 2015  What does Christmas day mean to you? I know for me its all about family getting together, enjoying each others company and delicious food. Its about being present + grateful and fortunate what you have in life.

Finding Balance During the Holidays

The festive season is well and truly here, and it can be especially hard around this time to feel balanced and at peace. It can be a busy time and a stressful time for everyone, so read on to find ways to stay balanced and calm during the holidays!

Too Busy To Eat Healthy? 8 Foods To Always Keep In Your Kitchen

Use these ingredients anytime to make quick + nutritious meals!

The Top 10 Health Trends To Look Out For In 2017

2016 was the year of turmeric and matcha lattes, fermented foods, collagen, charcoal skin care, boutique exercise classes, wellness holidays, blue algae’s and mindfulness.  We’re normally at the front end of these trends so let’s take a look at our predictions for 2017.

Almond Meal Veggie Quiche

The Crust: 1 1/2 cups Almond Meal 1/2 teaspoon Sea Salt 1/2 teaspoon Baking powder 1/4 cup Olive Oil 1 Tablespoon Water What To Do: 1. Preheat oven to 180 C. 2. Combine the almond meal, salt, baking powder, olive oil and water together in a large bowl. Mix until

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3 Simple Embodiment Practices For When You’re In Full Manifestation Mode

When you’re in full-blown creation mode, manifesting and bringing to visible life your projects, idea’s etc, it’s easy to forget about continuously nourishing your body, even in the most basic of ways.

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