TWOSIX Wellness

September 2015

5 inspirational quotes that helped me build a business

Inspiration is an essential but frustratingly elusive ingredient to action, progress, and achievement. We all draw our inspiration from different influences as we work towards different goals on our different walks of life. For me, there is nothing more powerful than a succinct and cleverly worded inspirational quote. I know

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The Breakfast Greens Bowl Of Your Dreams

These days, Instagram-ready breakfast salad bowls are popping up everywhere and at $18+ a pop they’re not cheap. Looking for the tricks needed to get your breakfast bowl to taste as great as the one at your favourite cafe? The search is over… STEP 1: THE BASE
. Nothing’s better than

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The Power of Sound as a Tool for Healing

As I sat in the ceremonial space, submerged in the beautiful sounds of the Himalayan Singing bowls and other ancient instruments, I knew there was something magical about this. Even before I understood the complexities of sound and its therapeutic benefits, I was mesmerised. This experience was a catalyst, which

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Meet Sarah Holloway – Co-Founder of Matcha Maiden

Meet our latest Local Love Sarah Holloway – the lovely, super-talented and super-hard-working co-founder of the wondrous product taking the health & wellness industry by storm! Sarah tells Twosixmag the story behind Matcha Maiden, how she brings balance into her life and the best ways to enjoy her product. We

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26 things – Sarah Holloway of Matcha Maiden

26 things about Co-Founder Sarah Holloway of Matcha Maiden

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